Some of the witnesses in our scheduled public hearings have also provided written submissions to support their statements. These will be available to download below after the hearings.

Session 1

John Lynch is Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Adelaide, South Australia.

He leads an NHMRC funded Centre for Research Excellence called "EMPOWER: Health systems, disadvantage and child well-being." He currently serves on several international, national, and local scientific advisory groups.

He was an editor of the highly ranked International Journal of Epidemiology for over a decade.

Learn more about Professor John Lynch

Submission to the Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care (PDF, 770.7 KB)

Session 2

Session 3

October 2018, April Lawrie was appointed as SA's inaugural Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People.

Commissioner Lawrie holds a Social Work Degree which took her early career in front line child protection work and Aboriginal foster care services.

Over the last 30 years, Commissioner Lawrie has contributed to the formation of policy at the State and National level, and excellence in service innovation and community development with regard to Aboriginal health, education, child and family services, foster care services, justice services, across the metropolitan and regional areas, including rural/remote.

Commissioner Lawrie is a proud Aboriginal woman and heralds from the Mirning and Kokatha people from the Far West Coast of South Australia.

Learn more about Commissioner Lawrie

Session 4

Tina Quitadamo currently holds the role of Advisor - Aboriginal Early Years, Office for the Early Years Division in the Department for Education. Through this role, she sits on the National Early Childhood Care and Development Policy Partnership as an SA partner.

As the former CEO of Nunga Mi:Minar Incorporated – Northern Regional Domestic and Family Violence Service, this has given her frontline insight into the aspirations, needs and experiences of Aboriginal women and children living with or fleeing domestic and family violence and the impacts this has on children and their education

Tina Quitadamo is a descendent of the Kirrae Whurrung/Gunditjmara people from the Western Districts of Victoria.

Learn more about Tina Quitadamo