A brief history of Commonwealth government involvement in ECEC in Australia

The Centre for Policy Development prepared a history of Commonwealth investment in early childhood education and care. The purpose of this short paper is to provide a brief overview of the Commonwealth government’s roles and responsibilities in early childhood education and care (ECEC), focusing on the last 50 years in preschool and long day care.

A brief history of Commonwealth government involvement in ECEC in Australia (PDF, 261.2 KB)

Return on investment analysis

With support from the Department of Treasury and Finance and the Department for Education, the Royal Commission engaged Deloitte Access Econommics to conduct an analysis on the return on investment of universal three-year-old preschool.

This work extends previous modelling undertaken by Delopitte Access Economics, as reported in the Royal Commission's Interim Report in April 2023, which estimated the upfront and recurrent costs, and the workforce requirements, of universal three-year-old preschool policy options.

To determine the return on investment, the study presents a range of evidence from the literature as well as new empirical evidence to estimate the benefits associated with children's participation in a three-year-old preschool program.

Three-year-old preschool return on investment analysis (PDF, 2.5 MB)

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) sector survey findings

Throughout May 2023, the Royal Commission held an online OSHC sector survey to hear from OSHC directors and staff. The survey was intended to give the Commission a deeper understanding of frequently raised topics from the Commission’s prior engagement with the OSHC sector via roundtable meetings, formal submissions and informal conversations.

OSHC sector survey findings (PDF, 120.3 KB)

Issues paper: Expert perspectives on factors that support quality preschool delivery across settings

Early Childhood Australia was engaged by the Royal Commission to explore factors impacting the quality and effectiveness of preschool education delivered to 3-year-old children across different settings. The paper was prepared with input from experts across Australia, and outlines themes drawn from those experts as well as members of the Royal Commission's 3-year-old preschool stakeholder roundtable.

The paper articulates some of the factors that support quality preschool and provides a thought-provoking analysis about how the components of quality might be configured to support equity of access for all children.

Issues paper: Expert perspectives on factors that support quality preschool delivery across settings (PDF, 800.7 KB)

ECEC workforce discussion - supporting slide deck

dandolopartners was engaged by the Royal Commission to facilitate a discussion with our 3-year-old preschool stakeholder roundtable about growing the workforce to support delivery of quality preschool and early childhood education and care for South Australian children.

The slides pose a series of questions, challenges, levers and opportunities for the Royal Commission to consider in its workforce inquiry.

ECEC Workforce discussion - supporting slide deck (PDF, 285.1 KB)

Model specification: options to deliver three-year-old preschool

Deloitte Access Economics was engaged by the Royal Commission to develop a model capable of simulating alternative scenarios for delivering universal 3-year-old preschool in South Australia and estimating the associated costs (recurrent and up front) and workforce demand at a state-wide and regional level.

Model specification: options to deliver three-year-old preschool (PDF, 557.3 KB)

Scenario modelling - regional outputs (PDF, 725.8 KB)

Mapping long day care and non-government preschool in South Australia

This report undertaken by the Royal Commission and Deloitte Access Economics compiles data sets from across different levels of government that are not usually available to policy makers.

It also draws on a broad ECEC sector survey conducted in early 2023, which sought input from non-government ECEC providers on operational issues, current services (including other supports like parenting programs) as well as provider interest and capacity to provide 3-year-old preschool.

Mapping long day care and non-government preschool in South Australia (PDF, 1.5 MB)

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) issues paper

The Royal Commission is seeking to understand accessibility and demand for OSHC, structural barriers to OSHC for preschool aged children and governance of OSHC as a part of the wider education system.

The Royal Commission's Terms of Reference specifically note the challenges of balancing work and education for families and that OSHC is not universally available, accessible or convenient.

This issues paper has been developed to explore the current state of OSHC in South Australia and across the rest of the country, and raise a number of points for discussion at the OSHC Stakeholder Roundtables.

Out of School Hours Care issues paper (PDF, 234.2 KB)

Early Childhood Literature Review and Academic Survey

Recently the Royal Commission engaged the University of South Australia to review contemporary academic literature on the impacts of 3-year-old preschool on child development and learning outcomes.

The university also surveyed leading national and international academics to gather insights into what is known and not known about early childhood education and care and child development.

The work will be critical in ensuring the Royal Commission is informed by current and rigorous evidence on preschool for 3-year-old children and the impacts that early childhood education and care can have on children’s development.

University of South Australia, Rapid Literature Review and Academic Pulse Survey (PDF, 1.0 MB)